
Trust and Strength

麻豆传媒覆灭记 Celebrates Its Largest Graduating Class

Throughout life, as one season or time yields to the next, much like the heat of a Florida summer follows the cool mornings of the winter, the Lord may give a word or a theme for that time and upon which we can ponder. For the 2024 graduates of 麻豆传媒覆灭记 as they enter a new season in their lives, the two words were trust and strength. 聽

In his homily at the baccalaureate Mass, Bishop Dewane from the Diocese of Venice in Florida recalled the faith of Abraham, saying, 鈥淎braham 鈥 did not know where he was going. Abraham put himself in God鈥檚 hands. We need to place ourselves in God鈥檚 hands.鈥 聽

Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM, in his remarks prior the conclusion of Mass, likened 麻豆传媒覆灭记to a greenhouse, a nurturing environment for shoots and growing plants 鈥渦ntil they are strong enough for replanting.鈥

鈥淭he replanting is now,鈥 he said. 鈥淲e鈥檝e provided an environment here, hopefully,鈥 he continued, 鈥渨here you have grown and are not just little saplings anymore but are strong. And ready for the next step. Ready to be replanted to wherever the Lord needs you.鈥

On the next day, during the Commencement exercises, President Mark Middendorf exhorted the graduates, 鈥淵ou were made to walk uphill, made to swim upstream.鈥 He concluded, 鈥淵ou are the world鈥檚 future saints.鈥

In his commencement address, podcaster and renowned speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz united even more deeply the trust we should have in God and God鈥檚 desire for us to be strong. Reflecting on his experiences in a wilderness survival program after his own graduation, Fr. Schmitz described taking a bus to the trailhead and then hiking increasingly more rugged and more narrow trails. He and the other hikers then broke off into smaller teams, left even the faded, rough tracks, and bushwhacked their way through the wilderness to a meeting point.

鈥淭his is your bushwhacking moment,鈥 Fr. Schmitz said to the graduates. 鈥淵ou got to this day, and the track runs out. This is the day you enter the wilderness. You might know the name of your vocation, but you don鈥檛 know where it will lead you.鈥

鈥淕od wants you to live in the wilderness, to find your way through it,鈥 Fr. Schmitz continued. He referenced Acts of the Apostles (Acts 14:22), when Paul and Barnabas strengthened the souls of the disciples, by saying that it is necessary to go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God. 聽

Fr. Schmitz then talked about how young people can question the goodness of God when faced with grief, tragedy, and challenges. 鈥淗ow can God be a good Father if He leaves me in so much pain?鈥, Fr. Schmitz asked. 鈥淕od doesn鈥檛 rescue us. God wants more for us than we want for ourselves. God wants you to become stronger. Your faith doesn鈥檛 grow in a place without opposition.鈥

Then Fr. Schmitz told the graduates that they are called to be 鈥渁nti-fragile鈥 and to follow the Lord in trust one step at a time. To be 鈥渁nti-fragile鈥 is to grow through adversity and opposition (rather than to just experience it), and to become stronger step by step, even when they may want the future planned out before them.

Fr. Schmitz emphasized a daily trust in God, saying, 鈥淕od says: Trust me today. God only gives us enough light for one more step.鈥 聽

Trust and strength. But how does one maintain the strength to trust and endure trials and hardship? In their respective remarks, Fr. Martignetti, President Mark Middendorf, and Founder and Chancellor Thomas S. Monaghan reminded the graduates and all present of the simple key to growth and trust: the sacraments and Eucharistic adoration. 聽

With the strength of the sacraments, the grace of adoration, our graduates can become the future saints they are called to be. And our imperfections should not deter us from trying to grow or trust. To conclude with the words of Fr. Schmitz, 鈥淪ometimes love is just showing up to the people that need you. God needs you.鈥 聽

Congratulations to 麻豆传媒覆灭记鈥檚 2024 graduates! May God bless you and Mary our Blessed Mother watch over you and surround you with her love, as you are planted in new places and grow.