


Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼Ç strives to form students who exemplify strength in mind, body and spirit. To that end, we place a strong emphasis on living as a truly Catholic community. At AMU, you can expect a rewarding campus experience centered around our Catholic faith, mutual respect and fraternal charity. That’s why more than 90% of our undergrads live in our on-campus residence halls.

Living in a residence hall at Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼Çopens up a new world of opportunity for growth, virtue and relationship-building. Just as the classroom forms and strengthens your mind, so will common life in your residence hall form and strengthen your heart. You will build friendships among your peers, learn from the good examples of upperclassmen and experience mentorship from student Residence Assistants.


Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼Ç owns and operates 39 units in the Middlebrooke Townhomes located in the town of Ave Maria, just a short drive from campus. Twenty-nine of these units are two-bedroom homes, and ten are three-bedroom. Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼Çleases these homes to graduate students, faculty, staff, and qualifying undergraduate students on a case-by-case basis subject to availability. Typically the lease is for a nine-month term: (August 11 – May 15 of each year).If you would like more information on housing in Middlebrooke, please fill out this form.

Commuter/Off Campus Housing Requirements

As a primarily residential campus, Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼Çaims to cultivate intentional relationships and foster joyful community among our students. Because of this, the University requires students live on campus, unless you match one of the following criteria.

  • You are 23 or older
  • You are married
  • You are a part-time (less than 12 credits), graduate or PHD student
  • You live with your parents, grandparents or legal guardian, at their permanent address within 40 miles of campus


The University has the responsibility to establish policies and procedures that safeguard the health and safety of its community members. Policies and procedures were designed to protect students against incidents or behavior that may jeopardize the physical, mental and emotional health and/or safety of either the group or the individual. At first glance, some of these policies may seem unduly restrictive. However, given the potential for damage, injury and/or loss of life, certain rights of the individual may be limited for the common good of the community.

Care and protection of both community and personal property is a shared responsibility of all its members. Policies were developed to create an environment where students respect and protect their own property as well as the property of their neighbors and the University.

All community members are expected to uphold and enforce these standards with assistance from Residence Life staff members.



Current Students:
The Housing Selection Process opens April 9th, and is open through April 15th. Check your email and see flyers for more details and instructions.

New Incoming students for Fall 2024:
You will receive your housing assignment starting in late May 2024 after completing all the steps listed on the Welcome to Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼ÇCANVAS course for New Incoming Students. Contact the Â鶹´«Ã½¸²Ãð¼ÇAdmissions for more details on how to access the incoming student CANVAS course.

Email Residence Life residencelife@avemaria.edu if you have any questions related to housing.